
Why Not Replace Yourself?

These are strange times for the workforce.

Disney, the picture of stability, recently fired the CEO they had groomed for the job, and brought back prior CEO Bob Igor to set the ship straight again.

At the same time, Elon Musk used the power of email to summarily fire 1,000s of employees as he told those who remained that hard work and long hours would be the only way they retain employment. More quit after receiving that threat.

And of course however many employees FTX had found themselves amidst a huge scam and scramble to find new employment.

Yet 100s of thousands of openings remain unfilled, as industries ranging from health care to manufacturing hospitality are unable to hire and retain good workers.

What does that mean for you?

It means, only as a highly visible reminder, that your career is a terrible thing to waste. You spend 1/3 of your life working from the ages of about 20 to about 70. Why waste your talent and why be miserable?

If your replacement walked in the door tomorrow, what would you do?

Why wait for that?

First, if you enjoy your company and industry, you already know many of the improvements you would make to increase the contribution of your role to the organization. Make them. Don't sit back afraid. Do what you would do if you were your replacement.

If you do not enjoy your company and industry, pursue alternatives. Is your resume current?

Are you always considering other options, choosing to remain where you are?

Your current role and company should be an intentional choice, not a result of laziness. Constantly being aware of your potential and where it can best be reached is a personal responsibility. You can say "no" to anything. Better to do so now than later.

If you're happy, why not replace yourself?

If you're not, why not replace someone else with someone better -- you!

About the Podcast

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Finish Strong® by Becky Morgan
This series addresses issues important to midsize manufactures worldwide. It's all about operations, leadership, strategy and thriving in the 21st Century

About your host

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Rebecca Morgan

Advisor, speaker, and author, Rebecca Morgan has invested over 40 years in learning from and helping manufacturers. After 14 years in the corporate world of manufacturing businesses, she started her own firm, Fulcrum ConsultingWorks, Inc, in 1990. Passionate about helping those working in manufacturing to recognize and reach their potential -- personally and that of the organization!